
No. 6578
石川竜一/ Ryuichi Ishikawa: 絶景のポリフォニー/ A Grand Polyphony

ポリフォニー(多声音楽)という言葉で表明された石川のスナップは、すべて自身が暮らす沖縄の生活圏で撮影された。自ずと沖縄の歴史や状況を写し込みながらも、沖縄の固有性にとどまらず、「沖縄」を超え出る普遍的にして圧倒的なエネルギーが充満する。 森羅万象、「それぞれが全く別のものとして別の価値をもち、主張し合っている」ポリフォニー的まばゆさのなか、繋がりのない互いの関係性に横たわる不可視の糸が浮かび上がる。 出会い頭の事故に遭ったような言葉を失うインパクト。 それを生む、現実に対する彼自身の強烈なアクチュアリティ。 目の前にあるものをできるかぎり受け入れようとする生身のような柔らかさ、心の震え、 見る者をあらゆる囚われから解き放つ、生命の「絶景」がここにある。第40回(2014年度)木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞作。28x30cm 160p ハードカバー 2014

"From the Tang Age to the Yamato Age, from the Yamato Age to the American Age." This line from a song by Rinsho Kadekaru conveys the singer's love for the Okinawan people, who have maintained their pride for this small group of islands at all costs, regardless of who controlled it. It also serves as an ironic commentary on Okinawan society. The islands have constantly fallen victim to people's greed and sorrow. This probably explains why there are so many dreams connected to these rich and peaceful tropical islands. And this is also why the islands have been fraught with a chaos borne of uncontrollable greed.
But for my generation this was simply a given, something that started long before we were born, and most of us did not take issue with it. At least, there was no one like that around me when I was growing up and even when you had a chance to ask older people how to make life better, no one was ever really sure how to break free from these circumstances. In the final analysis, you might say that this history, made up of conflicts and invasions, is a basic human problem. To those of us who have freely consumed chocolate and coffee beans (produced under harsh conditions by someone in some far-off land) since we were children, it was impossible to change the life that we had grown accustomed to, even after we came to understand it as adults. We simply had to deal with the contradictions and the frustrations they created.
We have a robust natural environment, a seemingly regular lifestyle, and our own kind of pleasures. We cope with our sense of unresolved frustration, and wait for those extraordinary moments that are not supposed to occur, spending our days in anguish. (from the postscript)

